Pawsitive Solutions
We believe small changes add up to big results.
Community Clean Up
Re-instate and partner with the community for regular volunteer clean-up days.
Add additional poo bag dispensers and trash cans throughout park to encourage visitors to keep it clean.
Implement closures on muddy days as well as revegetation closures seasonally.
Enhance signage to clearly state park rules, identify trails and closed areas and reiterate the downfalls and fines for non-compliance.
Enforce existing laws, including parking, poo pick up, unleashed dogs outside of park, and number of visitors.
Consider fundraising with interested citizen groups to include ideas such as parking passes, local vendor Saturdays, memorial bricks, and more.
Revisit Wire Fencing
The new fencing around the parking lots is dangerous to both dogs and wildlife. This fencing also funnels all dogs, people and bicyclists into a confined entrance, thereby increasing chances for negative encounters.
Park Improvements
Install trail edging and additional bridges over ditch.
Our Message to City Leaders
On March 11, Westy Dog Park Guardians presented a 30-page memo to Westminster City Council, highlighting key findings from our team's thorough analysis of reports and community feedback to-date. It includes:
- Benefits to the community
- Analysis of City survey findings
- Questions surrounding the ERO report
- Proposed solutions
A huge thank you to the Guardians whose professional expertise and tireless efforts were instrumental in developing this critical communication.
"89.8% of the respondents to the Community Feedback survey want to retain the 420 acres at Westminster Hills as an off-leash dog park."