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Pawsitive Solutions

We believe small changes add up to big results.

  • Community Clean Up

    Re-instate and partner with the community for regular volunteer clean-up days.

  • Dispensers

    Add additional poo bag dispensers and trash cans throughout park to encourage visitors to keep it clean.

  • Closures

    Implement closures on muddy days as well as revegetation closures seasonally.

  • Signage

    Enhance signage to clearly state park rules, identify trails and closed areas and reiterate the downfalls and fines for non-compliance.

  • Enforcement

    Enforce existing laws, including parking, poo pick up, unleashed dogs outside of park, and number of visitors.

  • Fundraising

    Consider fundraising with interested citizen groups to include ideas such as parking passes, local vendor Saturdays, memorial bricks, and more.

  • Revisit Wire Fencing

    The new fencing around the parking lots is dangerous to both dogs and wildlife. This fencing also funnels all dogs, people and bicyclists into a confined entrance, thereby increasing chances for negative encounters.

  • Park Improvements

    Install trail edging and additional bridges over ditch.


Our Message to City Leaders

On March 11, Westy Dog Park Guardians presented a 30-page memo to Westminster City Council,  highlighting key findings from our team's thorough analysis of reports and community feedback to-date. It includes:

  • Benefits to the community
  • Analysis of City survey findings
  • Questions surrounding the ERO report
  • Proposed solutions

A huge thank you to the Guardians whose professional expertise and tireless efforts were instrumental in developing this critical communication.

"89.8% of the respondents to the Community Feedback survey want to retain the 420 acres at Westminster Hills as an off-leash dog park."