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FISH Fundraising Highlights

In 2024, FISH experienced a 44% increase in clients, serving 2,387 Families and 8,902 Clients. They remain dedicated to improving the lives of our neighbors, and delivering emergency food to hungry seniors, adults and children in Westminster.

In their Newsletter, FISH gave a big thank you to the Westy Dog Park Guardians! Our Pet Food Drive on November 23rd resulted in nearly 1,500 pounds of pet food donations. Now FISH can include pets among their“clients” served.


Inaugural PUP Party Successful

Thank you for supporting our first PUP Party Clean-Up Day. Nearly 300 people volunteered to help. Over 20 large bags of waste were collected!

Community businesses supported the event with donations: Bailey's Pet Spa,
Card My Yard, Christian Brothers Automotive, Chuck and Don's, Kong, Lowes, and Poo Free Parks.

As we say, all For The Love of Dogs. It was a good day, and many people said,
"I love this Park."


The Environment at Westminster Hills

The Guardians are just as passionate about sustainability and responsible land management as we are about our four-legged friends! We feel strongly that we have a duty to preserve this treasured resource for generations to come.

To learn more about the history, boundaries and vegetation...

It's Official: We've Adopted the Park

Do you know the “Adopt-A-Street” program? Well, the Guardians have adopted the Westminster Hills Open Space Dog Off-Leash and Nature Area! This was done in partnership with the Westminster Parks, Recreation, and Libraries Department.

Adopting the dog park allows us to organize our own events both large and small. If you and your friends want to organize your own small clean-up event, please let us know! We can coordinate with the City to ensure that the necessary supplies (scoopers, trash bags, etc.) are available.

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Misrepresentation in Environmental Report

On June 24, 2024 through Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) requests, the Guardians have found hard evidence the “independent third-party” environmental report was altered by Westminster Parks, Recreation, and Libraries (PRL) staff  to advance their dog-park shrinking agenda.

Read the full story:..

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In the Media 

A recent survey by Rover and Zillow showed that Denver tops the list for dog-friendly cities because dog owners put their dog’s well-being at or near the top of their criteria for deciding where to relocate.